Bass George Andguladze

George Andguladze, was born in Tbilisi (Georgia) in 1984. He comes from a musical family, so from an early age, he was immersed in music. By the time he was six-years-old, Andguladze, was singing the Georgian Folklore Choir. When he has ten years old, he became a soloist for Tbilisi Philharmonic becoming the youngest soloist to date. From this moment on he began a prolific career as a solo singer, which lead him to perform in numerous concerts in prominent theaters and concert halls, such as the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris, Kremlin in Moscow, State Opera House of Georgia and Philharmonic Hall in Tbilisi, Binyanei Hauma of Jerusalem, among others. He has shared the stage with renowned conductors such as Vladimir Minin, Givi Azmaiparashvili or Rezo Takidze and with orchestras such as the Orchestra of Russian Radio and Television, the Orchestra of Georgian Radio and Television, the Orchestra of the State Opera House of Georgia. He has performed with International stars like James Brown, Robertino Loreti, Katia Ricciarelli, Paata Burchuladze, Renato Bruson, Kaludi Kaludov, Alessandra Marc and Maya Plisetskaya. His repertoire includes traditional Georgian, Russian, and Neapolitan songs. His varied interpretations have provided many numerous awards and honors in international competitions and festivals. His concerts are often broadcast on television around the world. He has also participated in several live shows like “Talents of the World” produced by RAI 1 in 1998. In the same year, at age 13, he participated in the International Opera Festival “Bravo”, organized by Paata Burchuladze. For his work in “Bravo”, he was awarded as the youngest participant. From 1998 to 2001, he received a scholarship from the President of the State of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze.

George Andguladze in Tbilisi (Georgia), graduated from Musical School with a degree in piano, which placed him with the highest qualifications in his field. After graduation, George, studied orchestral and chorus conducting and received a master’s degree in chorus conducting. This prompted him to travel to Italy to study lyrical singing. He graduated at the Conservatory of Reggio Emilia with Maestro Mauro Trombetta and at the Accademia delle Voci Verdiane di Busseto. He completed his education attending masterclasses with Renato Bruson, Lella Cuberli, Bonaldo Giaiotti and Badri Maisuradze.

His first debut took place while still being a student of the conservatory with the principal role of Buonafede in “Il Mondo della Luna” by F.J.Haydn at the Teatro Comunale di Ferrara in 2009. The production took place in occasion of the two-hundredth anniversary of the Austrian composer’s death. He has shown great success that allows him to show his voice qualities and talent as an actor. After that he sang in “The Servant Mistress” that was performed on the stages of Emilia Romagna an in the Bellagio Festival, Lake Como. After that he took part in a special audition organized by the Teatro Regio di Parma, reserved exclusively for the best students of the conservatory. George Andguladze was among more than 400 students, but he was the only one chosen to participate in the prestigious Festival Verdi 2011 as Ferrando of “Il Trovatore”. This was performed as a concert at the Teatro Verdi in Busseto and Teatro Magniani in Fidenza, which was directed by Michele Mariotti. This production was a turning point on his career. He returned in 2012 for the second consecutive year at the Festival Verdi this time at the Teatro Regio in Parma with the production of “Rigoletto”. He sang the role of Monterone, alongside Leo Nucci, Jessica Pratt and Michele Pertusi; under the direction of Daniel Oren. After the great success in both productions, he was hired for the complete opera season of 2012 at the Teatro Regio di Parma. He sang in the opening night broadcasting live on TV with “Aida” in the role of Ramfis, conducted by Antonino Fogliani, and later the role of Jorg “Stiffelio”, directed by Andrea Battistoni.

The success of Aida and Stiffelio produced two DVD’s with the C Major (Naxos Deutschland). Both were recorded live and released to the world market in the same year. George Andguladze is present in the project by Mondadori “Verdi le Opere” with the recording of Stiffelio. It was a compilation with the 27 opera written by Giuseppe Verdi.
He participates in prestigious festivals such as: Festival Luglio Musicale Trapanese 2014 with “Carmen” in the role of Escamillo, the XIII Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini’s Festival of Jesi with the Messa da Requiem by G.Verdi, in the Mysterium Festival 2016 with Stabat Mater by G.Rossini under the direction of Gianluigi Gelmetti, at the Basilica di Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome. His third participation in the Festival Verdi 2016 with the role of Massimiliano of “I Masnadieri” at Teatro Verdi di Busseto and at the Shalyapin Festival 2017 with “Aida” where he performed the role of Ramfis at the Opera House of Kazan (Russia).

George Andguladze appears successfully at many of the world’s opera houses with outstanding performances including: “L’Elisir d’Amore” in the role of Dulcamara, the Petite Messe Solennelle by G.Rossini, the role of Escamillo in “Carmen” as a guest of honor at the Rostropovich Foundation in the city of Moscow, and later in Korea in Seoul in the National Theater, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, the role of Re of “Aida” at the Teatro Sociale of Rovigo and the Teatro Verdi in Pisa with the production of Franco Zeffirelli and the conductor Marco Boemi, the “Requiem” by Mozart at Rudolfinum Philharmonic Hall in Prague, Commendatore of “Don Giovanni”, the role of Filippo II in “Don Carlo” and Fiesco in “Simon Boccanegra”. Other roles were delivered perfectly at the Gala Concert, dedicated to Strauss, in the Auditorium Rainier III in Monte Carlo with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Monte Carlo directed by Jeffrey Tate. He has also performed in the following: Gala Concert at Rudolfinum Philharmonic Hall in Prague, a Gala Concert dedicated to Galina Vishnevskaya organized by the Rostropovich Foundation at Smetana Hall in Prague directed by Walter Attanasi, and more recently a benefit concert in memory of the soprano Daniela Dessì at Teatro Grande di Brescia with Fabio Armiliato.

Recently he sang the role of Ramfis in “Aida” on the opening night of 165° opera season at the State Opera House of Georgia. The opening night was directed by Daniel Oren with historic production by Franco Zeffirelli. In this season, his performances are “Messa di Requiem” by G. Donizetti in the Mysterium Festival 2017 under the direction of Gianluigi Gelmetti, in April he played again as Massimiliano of “I Masnadieri” with the production of the Teatro Regio di Parma, acclaimed role at Festival Verdi 2016 for his musicality and belcantistic phrasing with a thorough Verdi’s style. In May he recorded the role of Garrido in “La Navarraise” by J.Massenet for Deutsche Grammophon. In the summer season 2017, he debuted the role of Timur in “Turandot” on the opening night at 63° Festival Puccini Torre del Lago with the conductor Alberto Veronesi and the stage director Alfonso Signorini. He took part in the historic “Aida” as Il Re at Arena di Verona directed by Andrea Battistoni and at Teatro Petruzzelli di Bari directed by Giampaolo Bisanti.

At the end of 2017, he debuted with big success the role of Oroveso in “Norma” at the Teatro Municipale Giuseppe Verdi in Salerno with the conductor Daniel Oren, and the role of Zaccaria in “Nabucco” at Teatro Goldoni di Livorno. In January 2018 he will sing at Teatro Regio di Parma in “Rigoletto” as Sparafucile, alongside Leo Nucci. In March, he made his house and role debut of Il Grande Inquisitore in “Don Carlo” at The Israeli Opera under the direction of Daniel Oren, after that he took part in the new production of “Simon Boccanegra” as Jacopo Fiesco at the Opéra de Lausanne. In July he made his house debut at the Teatro San Carlo di Napoli with the role of Sparafucile in “Rigoletto” and with the role of Timur in “Turandot” at Savonlinna Opera Festival. In October he will sing Timur in “Turandot” at Opera Hong Kong and the Stabat Mater by Rossini under the baton of Gianluigi Gelmetti at Teatro Verdi di Firenze. In November George started with a concert with the conductor Daniel Oren, singing Requiem by G. Verdi at Tbilisi Opera and Ballet State Theatre. In December he came back to Salerno at Teatro Giuseppe Verdi to debut the role of Don Basilio in “Il Barbiere di Siviglia”.

The 2019 started with George as Il Commendatore of “Don Giovanni” at Teatro Filarmonico, Fondazione Arena di Verona. Then he will sing Filippo II “Don Carlo” at Tbilisi Opera and Ballet State Theatre. In March his debut at Teatro Colon de Buenos Aires, with the role of Sparafucile “Rigoletto”. In July and August, he will come back to Torre del Lago for two operas “Turandot” and “La Bohème” singing the roles of Timur and Colline for the Puccini Festival. In 2020 he will sing Timur again but this time at Teatro Regio di Parma.