Joyous Choir

Since 2013, MIN’s Joyous Choir has used singing to support social inclusion, and improve wellbeing, in a welcoming and creative space. The choir welcomes participants from diverse backgrounds including women who are seeking asylum and refuge in Glasgow, as well as those born and raised in the city. The group shares songs from different cultures, and often sing about themes such as friendship, protest, sisterhood, dreams, freedom and hope. 

For 10 years, the choir has been on an incredible journey with many great singers and collaborators all bringing their own unique talents to the group. 

Maryhill Integration Network (MIN) is a grassroots community organisation based in Glasgow, established to bring asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and the settled inhabitants of the city together. Since 2001, MIN has been developing projects which support positive social change by investing in communities and providing a welcoming and safe space with opportunities for collaboration and connection.