Royal Scottish National Orchestra’s statement on the death of Her Majesty The Queen Posted Thu 8 September 2022

The Royal Scottish National Orchestra is greatly saddened by the death of Her Majesty The Queen. Our sympathies and condolences are with the Royal Family.
HM The Queen has been patron of the Orchestra since 1977, with the Orchestra later changing its name to the Royal Scottish National Orchestra in 1991. The RSNO is immensely grateful for the support that The Queen gave to the arts and classical music throughout her reign, recognising artists and endorsing venues and institutions. The Orchestra was honoured to perform in The Queen’s presence during the 45 years of her patronage.
Dame Susan Bruce, Chair of the RSNO said:
“We are all extremely saddened by the death of Her Majesty The Queen. The Queen’s great fondness for Scotland has always resonated with the RSNO as Scotland’s National Orchestra, proudly representing The Queen and country with the Royal Patronage awarded to us in 1977. We remain grateful for the support that The Queen has shown to artistic institutions and artists throughout her reign.
On behalf of the Orchestra, Board, staff and members I would like to send our deepest condolences to the Royal Family.”
Picture courtesy of the Royal Family.